Thursday, January 10, 2013

LUSH Products Review

The holidays have come and gone and I totally forgot to publish this post (it has been sitting in my draft posts since Hanukkah, oops) but, I don't want to just delete it so, here is my very first LUSH product review! 

The first time I ever heard about LUSH Handmade Cosmetics was when we were living in Miami, FL. I know that there is a store in the Aventura Mall, and I might have walked by it once or twice, but honestly, that mall was insane and I tired to avoid going there as much as possible, so I never stopped in. Soon life got super busy, we moved to Raleigh, and so it goes.

Around the end of November I saw that someone had pinned the Happy Hanukkah Gift Box from LUSH on Pinterest and I thought that it was the perfect gift to send to my sister at Penn State. I spent some time looking around the site read through their blog, watched their product demo videos and ended up cuddled up in our bed watching LUSH bath bomb demos on YouTube until midnight...I got a little hooked. It really makes me wish that we had a nice tub so I could use a bath bomb, but it will have to go on the wishlist for our next house.

The next time that Aaron and I went to the Crabtree Valley Mall I decided to go to the LUSH store (we are so lucky that the only store in NC is at our mall!) and pick up a couple of items that had caught my eye on the website. 

With assistance from a very helpful shop employee I got to smell and touch just about every product in the store and I finally settled on the Popcorn Lip Scrub (seasonal, no longer available) from the Christmas collection and the Therapy Massage Bar.

I love them both so much!

The Popcorn Lip Scrub is sweet, salty, and buttery. I expected it to be mixed in oil like other salt/sugar scrubs that I have, but this is a dry scrub. I mix it with a little tap water on my finger. Every time I use it, my lips feel super smooth and tasty. 

The Therapy Massage Bar is my favorite favorite. I like to use it after I get out of a hot shower just after my skin has dried off. It's basically solid lotion, but when you warm it up in your hands, it melts just enough to go smoothly onto your skin. It smells like a mix of shea butter, citrus, and lavender, but it doesn't have an overwhelming strong smell, which I like. (I smelled ever other massage bar in the shop, and this was the only one that I liked.)

I can't wait to try more products from LUSH!


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