Identity-Based Habits: How to Actually Stick to Your Goals by James Clear. This is an article posted on Quora, so if you don't have an account you may not be able to read it, but I recommend that you sing up for an account. It's free and the articles are great!
We were given a NutriBullet at our wedding shower last month and I am LOVING it! I have been using fresh greens and fresh apples from our local NC State Farmers Market mixed with frozen berries and almond milk every morning to make a NutriBlast. I feel energized, my skin is completely clear, and I have already lost a little bit of weight over the past 2 weeks. I love this thing! I will post a few of my favorite recipes soon!
I know everyone is probably focusing on the events that are happening in Boston this morning. I hope that everything goes well and no one else gets hurt.
Despite the rain storms in the forecast, Aaron and I are planning on going to a Shabbat cookout tonight with the Raleigh Tribe. Hope you have a good weekend!
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