Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Birthday, Harry!

Happy 32nd birthday to Harry Potter!

In honor of your birthday I would like to thank my Grandma and my Dad for buying me all of the books and waiting in line at midnight in front of Barnes & Noble more than once. I would like to thank Camp Louise for allowing my love of Harry Potter to grow by celebrating his birthday every summer. I'd like to thank ABC Family for playing Harry Potter marathons almost every weekend. I would like to thank the creative kids on Tumblr who take the fandom way too far, but I love it. Even though Voldy was the one who made a grand appearance at the 2012 Olympic opening ceremonies and not you, it's your day Harry.

Unlike the Dursley’s, we will never forget. 

P.S. This box set is the ultimate HP birthday present! I don't think we have room for it in our apartment..Don't let that stop you from pre-ordering one and sending it my way ;)


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