Monday, July 30, 2012

My Weekend, in Snapshots

To see my weekend, on instagram (follow me @eeelishalynn)

Left to right, top to bottom:

1) We were invited to a pot luck dinner at our friend's house on Friday evening to watch the Olympic opening ceremonies. On the way, we stopped at Food Lion to pick up beer and discovered this beauty already on shelves!

2) Everyone at dinner happy to be together, confused about the opening ceremony presentation, and waiting to see team USA!

3) Saturday morning was nice and lazy. I cooked brunch, we played with Skwisgaar, and we watched a few Olympic events. After lunch we decided to check out a few thrift stores that I had bookmarked on Yelp. I found a dish, a mint julep cup and a mason jar at the Durham Rescue Misson's Bargain Center and this amazing vintage table at Father & Son's Antiques downtown. It was out of my budget though :(

4) The top floor of Father & Son's Antiques is an art gallery. I was oddly drawn to the telephone with the antlers...

5) After all of our treasure hunting we walked over to The Raleigh Times for a late lunch/ early dinner.

6) On our way home we stopped at the Cupcake Shoppe. They were celebrating their 5th year of business and were giving away free mini cupcakes! We tried a few at the shop (these were Mimosa and maple) and bought two regular size cupcake for later. Yum! There was a huge thunderstorm Saturday night so we decided to stay home with Skwisgaar, enjoy our cupcakes and watch more Olympics.

7) On Saturday we video chatted with our families, cleaned the apartment, took on the laundry, and ran a few errands. Obviously this jar of magical deliciousness found a new home in our refrigerator. I don't know how I had gone so long without it...

8) We went to see and afternoon screening of Ted at the Raleigh Grande. Aaron liked it, but I was not so impressed.

What did you do this weekend?


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