Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oak City Style

Raleigh Hot Dog Shirt | Oak City Collective

Last month at the Morning Times First Friday Market, my friend Kelly and I spotted a collection of amazing Raleigh inspired screen printed t-shirts created by Fouryou Designs. I wanted to buy one that night, but the seller had sold out of the design in the color and size that I wanted. Darn! I should have thought more about shopping earlier on and less about drinking, oops! 

Anyway,  I snagged a business card and looked them up over the weekend. I discovered that they had even more designs then we saw displayed in their booth. Inspired, I did as I always do, and spent a little time searching around the Internet and Etsy for other Raleigh/Oak City inspired designs. Here are a few of my favorite designs that I found.

The Raleigh Acorn Factory | She Calls Me Todd

Drink Local | Oak City Collective
Official Acorn | Fouryou Designs

Even though we won't be able to go to First Friday this month since we will be traveling, I will keep these in mind and hopefully add one or two to my collection soon! How do you represent your love for your city?


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